Success through enthusiasm. This was the motto of the 12th bueroszene General Assembly held at the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein on 11.04.2017.
With great enthusiasm for the industry, Albert Denz and five other board members began building the Swiss Office Furnishings Association for a long-term future 13 years ago. The event therefore focused on preparations for the continuation of the association after the retirement of Albert Denz in 2019 by the existing and new board members of
The varied program was rounded off with a tour of the Vitra Haus and the Vitra Schaudepot. The Swiss Office Furnishings Association would like to take this opportunity to thank Vitra for providing the premises and the guided tours. There could hardly have been a better setting for this year’s Annual General Meeting with the motto „Success through enthusiasm“ than a company that will always be a role model for the entire industry with its unbridled enthusiasm for design and development.
Board election Isidoro Celentano
Bidl legend: Isidoro Celentano, Heiko Stahl Management Vitra Switzerland and Oliver Hauri – Lista (Lienhard Office Group) – from left to right.
Isidoro Celentano himself has successfully completed the following further training courses at the association:
Certified office planner
Board of as of May 4, 2017:
Board members of
President and Managing Director: Albert Denz –
Vice President: Patrick Waldis – Waldis Büro und Wohnen AG
Yilmaz Boduk – Sitag AG
Mark Helfenstein – Haworth Schweiz AG
Walter Baumgartner – Fratelli G. e E. Baumgartner SA
Patrick Benz – Witzig The Office Company AG
Isidoro Celentano – Bruno Wickart AG (specialist for design furniture, office furniture, office equipment and office planning), the platform of the Swiss Office Furniture Association
If you want to know everything about office furniture, office chairs, office lighting and office planning, the platform is the right place for you. The platform provides information on all aspects of furnishing new offices and leads to the platforms and Bürowissen which provide information on all products in the office sector and all knowledge.
The portal for new office furniture and office furnishing information
If you would like to know where you can obtain which office furniture, office chairs or office cabinets, you can find exactly the right office furnishings to suit your office and your taste in just a few minutes. You will find office furniture design and office furniture designers as well as all office furniture brands and specialist office furniture dealers.
Topics at
Modern desks, conference tables, office cabinets, office shelving, office chairs, office partitions or office lighting.
Redesign your office with professional office planning companies
On you will find professional and leading office planners who know all aspects of modern office design.
Office and office expertise from Isidoro Celentano:Press releases about Isidoro Celentano
May 2017: Office furniture store Bruno Wickart arranges succession
Since the beginning of May, the leading furniture store Bruno Wickart AG from Zug has been under new management. Industry expert Isidoro Celentano is taking over the Zug-based consultancy for office and home design as part of the succession plan.
Isidoro Celentano is the new Managing Director of Bigla office from October 1, 2012 until 2015.
Bigla now works together with atelier oï
Bigla AG from Biglen has entered into a promising collaboration with the renowned design studio atelier oï based in La Neuveville.
CEO Isidoro Celentano at Atelier OI
In the picture from left to right: Isidoro Celentano/CEO Bigla office, René Barben/Head of Technology Bigla, Reto Ulrich/atelier oï, Aurel Aebi/atelier oï
New Bigla partner: Orangebox from London
Bigla office is now the exclusive Swiss partner of the renowned British label Orangebox
Orangebox designs and produces innovative furnishings for the office sector that are fully geared towards today’s needs for flexibility and modularity. With this cooperation, Bigla office is expanding its range and offering exciting new products for optimal working, room-in-room systems and social areas. This makes Bigla a full-service provider for modern working environments.
CEO Isidoro Celentano at Orangebox
Note caption/from left to right: Phil Robbins/Export Sales Director Orangebox, Isidoro Celentano/CEO Bigla office
New opening of Bigla showroom
Working smart in the Emmental. The new „Bigla Smartworking World“ showroom completes Bigla’s strategic turnaround. With an innovative concept, the company from the Emmental is moving into a „smart“ future.
New stores and new catalog
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Everyday working life between communication and concentrationOr how the office of the future can promote informal exchange.
Buy the best office furniture and design brands online at Bruno Wickart AG. Order your desk online. You can find a sitting/standing desk from the extensive range of office furniture in our online store.
Brands such as Vitra, USM, Wilkhahn, Stoll-Giroflex, Girsberger, König + Neurath, Bene and many more are available online at Bruno Wickart.