Highly effective acoustic solutions from Création Baumann

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New acoustic solutions from Création Baumann: a step into the future of interior design

Highly effective acoustic solutions

Nowadays, open floor plans and flexible room structures are becoming increasingly popular in offices and private homes. Création Baumann, a world-leading Swiss textile specialist, has responded to this trend and further expanded its pioneering role with two new top absorbers, SONIC PLUS and SONIC MELT. These acoustic textiles offer maximum absorption and allow flexible zoning of open floor plans. They are not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and significantly improve the acoustic atmosphere of the room.

Aesthetic and functional: SONIC MELT and SONIC PLUS

The new double-face textiles, SONIC MELT and SONIC PLUS, are acoustic fabrics with the highest degree of sound absorption. They make it possible to design rooms to be open or closed without the need for structural measures. Despite their highly functional properties, the textiles have an aesthetic and homely appearance. Création Baumann is an innovation leader in the field of highly efficient acoustic solutions. The portfolio includes the sound-absorbing system ACOUSTIC DIVIDER VARIO, modular acoustic panels from acousticpearls, as well as a wide range of opaque top absorbers and transparent textiles.

About Création Baumann

For more than 135 years, the forward-looking Swiss family business Création Baumann has established itself as one of the world’s leading textile manufacturers. With a portfolio ranging from curtain, decorative, upholstery, outdoor and functional textiles, Création Baumann offers customized, innovative shading and acoustic panel systems for indoor use.

Bruno Wickart: Your specialized partner of Création Baumann

As the most professional interior decorator in Switzerland, Bruno Wickart AG is proud to work with Création Baumann. With a clear vision and firm values, Bruno Wickart AG offers customized solutions for private and business customers. The benefits of CREATION BAUMANN DESIGNFURNITUREare second to none, and the combination of „CREATION BAUMANN DESIGN FURNITURE AND BRUNO WICKART“ offers a unique opportunity to design spaces with style and function.


Prospective and existing customers should buy from Bruno Wickart AG because they not only have access to the best products from Création Baumann, but also benefit from the expertise and commitment of one of the leading interior designers in Switzerland. Visit our Bruno Wickart showroom in Zug and experience the elegance and functionality that only Bruno Wickart AG can offer.
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