ABOUT: Industrieverband Büro und Arbeitswelt e. V. (IBA)

As a representative of the office furnishing industry, we deal with the central issues of office work, ranging from the question of what makes companies attractive as employers to holistic interior design.

Bso becomes IBA

Until October 2016, our association was called bso Verband Büro-, Sitz- und Objektmöbel e. V . The name had grown historically, but had only reflected parts of our range of topics and services for some time. The board and members of our association therefore decided to change the name to Industrieverband Büro und Arbeitswelt e. V. (IBA).

IBA members from partner companies of Bruno Wickart AG

Below is a list of current documentation available for download:

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Bruno Wickart AG: Your partner for professional office planning

Office planning / office furnishings

Experience and empathy in the consultation and planning of Executive suites, office and conference facilities, including modern modern electronic installations form the basis for a successful successful engagement for all customers (banks, renowned And important public administrations).

Office planning: making big things happen with small changes

Would you like to refurnish your home, have a USM plan in mind Or want to redesign your office? Whatever you have in mind: the bruno Wickart’s competent consultants will be happy to provide you with expert with expert advice and will be happy to advise you on your individual individual needs, requirements and possibilities.

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